Today mexican cuisine has crossed borders and has reached worldwide with the most popular recipes. Aztec Mexican food cake becomes a complete dish that can yield very well, besides being an element able to play with the imagination and taste of the palate of the dinner.
-2 cups of Rogelio Bueno Mole (8.25oz)
-9 corn tortillas at least one day old or left overnight in your kitchen counter to dry
-2 cups of cooked chicken finely shredded
-1 cup of shredded cheese (mozzarella and muenster work fine)*
-1/3 of a large onion thinly sliced
-Salt and pepper to season the chicken
Preparation Mode:
Preheat your oven at 350 degrees.
- Heat the sauce in a skillet until it is warm but not hot. The tortillas should be dry to have nice layers, they will soften while baking.
- Place a few spoons of the sauce to the bottom of your oven proof dish. Add 3 tortillas and spoon some more of the sauce over the tortillas. Completely covering the tortillas with the sauce.
- Top the mole sauce with 1/3 of the chicken, cheese and onion slices. Repeat process to form the layers.
- Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover during the last 10 minutes of the baking process. Serve with a salad and enjoy!
– You can use a mix of half queso fresco and half of your favorite melting cheese.
– Leftover rotisserie chicken works fine in this recipe
– You can omit the chicken to make it a meatless dish.